
Marketing Perspective: Influencers by JoAnna A.

Before there were influencers there were bloggers. Influencers may be new to many but as a former blogger, this is something I have been around for quite some time and never realized it. I have been away from the blogging world for quite a while so I’m not sure if it’s even a thing anymore. We would work with brands, and they would in exchange compensate for reviews. I do follow a few influencers such as the Kardashians and several others the first ones that come to mind are fitness influencer Crystal Suarez and Home Inspo (inspiration) influencers like Ashley Nelson with Til Vacuum Do Us Part. I know these influencers do exactly that, influence, people like myself to buy products because we see them and trust them. I, myself have bought several products I would have never known about just because I saw one of these influencers using the product and creating a video about it. What I notice about this type of marketing is its B2P, business to people where brands are able to engage wit

The Voice: Integration With Live Television

‌ The digital media I chose to analyze is The Voice: Integration with Live Television. Anyone who is watching this show has their own “voice” and opinions on who should win, and The Voice has accomplished the wants and needs of the target audience by engaging the audience via social media. They are able to feel as though they are a part of the show themselves, even from the couch in their home. They have carefully coordinated with the artists and coaches to share their experiences on social media to get their authentic personalities to shine through.  The social and consumer experience was addressed by creating urgency. They made each episode an event with live social activations that were tied directly to the on-air show. They connected with consumers in several ways for example The Voice Instant Save encouraged fans to send millions of tweets during each season. Every week fans are asked to vote via tweets for the artists they want to save from getting eliminated and the results

MKT 265: Module One - A Day in the Life of Mizz Alvarado

  I am very excited about this course because I used to have my own blog back in 2009! I was what was called a mommy blogger. I would review items and host giveaways. I do miss having my blog but with working full-time, school and kids I just had to let it go. I was very fortunate to have participated in many blogging events some big names include Disney, Graco and Britax. I met other bloggers near me and we had a very supportive group where we would promote each other. Not sure if they are still are still active but they were call Houston Bloggers. Currently, I am really only active on Facebook and next would be Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram. I have Snapchat on my phone but only use it for the filters and TikTok I rarely get on. I used to have Twitter for blogging but I don’t care for it anymore. For the most part, I really enjoy Facebook and don't see myself getting rid of it anytime soon. It can be a distraction if you let it however you have complete control over it, so I do